Meeting Time:
The Tuesday, 10 AM Clutterers Anonymous business meeting, held on the 1st Tuesday of the month for _________minutes, beginning at _______ o’clock.
1. Secretary Opens with:
We will now have our monthly business meeting.
Who would like to keep time?
Who would like to take notes? (Secretary provides paper from notebook.)
Tradition 2:
“For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authority -- a loving God as expressed through our group conscience. Our leaders are but trusted servants; they do not govern..”
2. Last month’s report and notes:
Secretary reads or designates reader of last month’s business meeting minutes.
3. Today’s business agendas
Secretary counts how many agendas, and announces:
“Today we have (how many) agendas. State briefly:
The agendas are: (for example)
Starting with agenda 1. Read what is written in business notebook.
Open up to group for discussion
Ask for a proposed motion
Ask for second motion
Ask for votes: YES, NO, ABSTAIN
Count and record
Move to next Agenda #2
Continue for each Agenda Item
Timer notates one minute left and informs Secretary, who announces:
“We have 1 minute remaining for the business meeting this month. We will table the agendas not finished to address/complete/discuss at the next meeting.”
Secretary lists agendas to be tabled for the notetaker.
“We will close the business meeting with a moment of silence followed by the Serenity Prayer.”
God grant me the serenityto accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.
If you wish to bring up anything at the monthly business meeting, please write in this notebook your suggestions. Please be present at the business meeting to address your agenda.
Agenda #____
Background Information (if any)
Suggested motion
By: _____________________________________________