Tuesday, February 17, 2009

CLA Phone Meeting Format

(After you call in, and put in the Access code, you will be in a "room" with up to 30 other people on their phones. This is a generic format for what to expect at a CLA phone meeing.)

Hello, I am ______, a clutterer, and your Leader for this meeting.

Would those who care to, join me in the Serenity Prayer.

Is there someone on the line who can read the Clutterers Anonymous Preamble?
(If not, Leader reads from attachment)

Is there someone on the line who can read the CLA Group Purpose?
(If not, Leader reads from attachment.)

Is there someone on the line who can read the CLA How It Works and Twelve Steps?
(If not, Leader reads from attachment)

Is there someone on the line who can read the Tradition of the Month and the Twelfth Tradition? (If not, Leader reads from attachment.)

Will everyone who cares to, join me in Identifying Ourselves, sharing our first names and where we are calling from?

Now I'm going to read the Announcements specific to this Phone Meeting:
Phone Meeting Etiquette (Leader reads from attachment).

I am very pleased to introduce our Qualifier for this meeting, ________, who will share her Experience, Strength and Hope with us for 15 - 20 minutes. (What it was like, What Happened, What it is like now.)

Treasurer's Report:
There are no dues or fees for CLA membership. There are expenses associated with this phone meeting. Rental of the phone bridge is $12 per hour so we need to ask for Seventh Tradition donations so that we can pay the $48 or $60 a month to maintain this meeting. (Treasurer/Leader provides Treasurer's Address - see attachment - and donation types allowed [cash, checks made out to "Cash"].)

Are there any CLA-related Announcements?

Is there anyone Counting Days of CLA-Basic 4 Abstinence?

I am going to ask Available CLA Sponsors or Buddies to identify themselves and give their phone numbers - slowly! If you need a sponsor or Buddy or phone numbers, please listen carefully and write the numbers down. We will not be repeating them. However, the meeting will close a few minutes before the hour so that people may exchange numbers again at that time.

I'm going to Open the Meeting now, to positive pitches on CLA abstinence. Ten Minutes before the hour we will share tips and goals. Who would like to speak first?

We'll go around the room now and Share a Short Tip that has helped us this week.

Would everyone who would like to Share A Goal For The Week.. It is suggested that the goal be small, i.e. sewing on a button, so that we can keep the commitment! If there is still time, we can have more sharing.

Would those who care to, join me in the Serenity Prayer.

"Keep Coming Back, It Works If You Work It, So work it because You Are Worth It!
Give a Lot of Love!"

CLA Phone Meeting Etiquette

There are daily CLA Phone meetings to attend. There a few guidelines to help the phone meeting run smoothly.

· If you have one, please use your phone’s mute button, except when sharing. Otherwise press *6 to mute and unmute (Star + 6).

· If you are on a cordless phone, please sit near the base of the phone to eliminate static. If your battery is low, we will all hear a constant beeping.

· You are at a CLA telephone meeting. Please do not do other things while at the meeting. Background noise is very distracting. (There are up to 30 callers on the line at one time.)

· If your location becomes noisy (children, pets, visitors, etc), please hang up, move locations, and call back from a quiet location.

· Some people breathe 'heavier' than others. Most heavy breathers don't realize it. Please use your mute button, or hold the mouthpiece away from your mouth and nose unless you are speaking.

· Do not put your phone on hold during the meeting. This often causes beeping, ringing, or even recorded messages to interrupt the meeting.

· If there is an echo, static, or other interference when you dial into the phone bridge, it is probably your phone causing the disturbance. Please hang up and try another phone, especially if you are using a mobile phone.

By group conscience, the leader (and only the leader) is empowered to interrupt the phone meeting at any time to address distractions.

Berkeley Clutterers Anonymous

You are cordially invited to join us in person!
North Berkeley Clutterers Anonymous Meeting

Monday evening 7:15-8:30 PM

Tuesday morning
10:00 AM sharp until 11:15 AM

Epworth United Methodist Church
1953 Hopkins Street
Berkeley, Ca 94707

Directions to Epworth:
Epworth United Methodist Church is located at 1953 Hopkins Street at Napa Avenue, near the south portal of the Solano Avenue tunnel.

By Public Transit:

AC Transit local routes 43, 9, and 7 stop at the corner of Hopkins and Sutter (Shattuck Avenue), near the south portal of the Solano Avenue tunnel. (Route FS provides TransBay service, weekday commute hours only.)

From there, it's a one-block downhill walk to the church. Route
15 stops at the corner of Hopkins and The Alameda (MLK Jr. Way), near the North Berkeley Branch Library. Walk uphill on Hopkins past Milvia - the church will be on your left.

Transfer to the 43, 9, and 7 buses at the Berkeley BART station. (Route 9 no longer stops at North Berkeley BART.)

On Your Bike:

The northern end of the Milvia Street Bicycle Boulevard intersects Hopkins Street, just a block from the church.

From Major Highways:

From the Eastshore Freeway (I-80) take the Gilman Street exit and continue eastward until Gilman intersects with Hopkins. Turn left and proceed uphill on Hopkins. You'll pass Monterey Foods, MLK Middle School, and the North Berkeley Branch Library on the way.

From Highway 24, take the Tunnel Road exit, and proceed west on Ashby Avenue to Martin Luther King, Jr. Way. Turn right on MLK, drive north for about two miles, then right again on Hopkins.

First Tuesday of the Month: Business Meeting
Second Tuesday: Speaker Meeting
Third, Fourth, Fifth Tuesdays:
CLA Literature

Our blog at http://berkcla.blogspot.com/ exists to achieve the goal of the 5th Traditon: "Each group has but one primary purpose; to carry its message to the person who still suffers."

We have a Google Group for email discussions!
Group email

Google Group

Isolation and shame are two major factors from which many clutterers suffer. Sometimes it takes a long time to really see improvements in our physical clutter and our thinking. We welcome you! You are taking a bold step forward and you are not alone! Remember: Progress, not perfection! The information posted here, the tools, readings, phone meetings and resources support us all in our process to recovering from cluttering.